Category: Lineage 2
Site URL:   
Site Name: NIKARIONLINE x100 29/03/2024
Current Rank: 455'º'
Registered on: 2024-03-02 00:00:00
Uptime: This server is offline more than 30 days
Banner do Site
Site Description:: NIKARI Interlude x100CraftPVP server Rates XP: x100SP: x100Adena: X10 Dro: x15 The server has an NPC Buffer, GM shop, Global teleport, game menu and various useful functions. The server has a built-in auto-battle only for premium users, premium buff

Current Rank: 455'º'
Highest Rank: 13º - (2024-03-31 21:00)
Lowest Rank: ----
Monthly votes: 0
Today votes: 0
Monthly clicks: 18
Today clicks: 0

Vote Statistics




Last Vote
IP Address Date Browser Platform
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-26 03:27:38 Chrome windows 10
31.168.120.XXX 2024-03-25 05:15:10 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-25 03:52:52 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-22 15:37:25 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-19 08:35:12 Chrome windows 10
31.168.120.XXX 2024-03-19 07:21:41 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-17 03:20:29 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-15 12:34:58 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-14 09:58:12 Chrome windows 10
31.154.232.XXX 2024-03-13 06:30:23 Chrome windows 10
