Category: | Lineage 2 | |
Site URL: | | |
Site Name: | LA2FUN.NET | |
Current Rank: | 301'º' | |
Registered on: | 2023-12-05 00:00:00 | |
Uptime: | This server is offline more than 30 days | |
Site Banner: | ||
Site Description:: | • Server Chronicles: Interlude x5 • New Classic game client. • Thoroughly designed gameplay for a long and comfortable gaming experience (no wipes). • No Pay to Win. • International community from around the world - Europe, America, Latin America, Asia. • |
Current Rank: | 301'º' |
Highest Rank: | 5º - (2023-12-31 21:00) |
Lowest Rank: | ---- |
Monthly votes: | 0 |
Today votes: | 0 |
Monthly clicks: | 92 |
Today clicks: | 0 |
IP Address | Date | Browser | Platform |
86.10.192.XXX | 2023-12-19 19:07:18 | Chrome | windows 10 |
86.10.192.XXX | 2023-12-12 08:49:03 | Chrome | windows 10 |
86.10.192.XXX | 2023-12-10 18:39:46 | Chrome | windows 10 |
86.10.192.XXX | 2023-12-09 13:09:26 | Chrome | windows 10 |
81.202.226.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:42:59 | Chrome | windows 10 |
24.135.239.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:40:12 | Chrome | windows 10 |
62.103.221.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:40:09 | Chrome | windows 10 |
188.27.146.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:40:08 | Chrome | windows 10 |
62.176.70.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:39:45 | Chrome | windows 10 |
86.121.177.XXX | 2023-12-05 13:38:57 | Chrome | windows 10 |