Category: MU Online
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Site Name: BAVKA MU Medium
Current Rank: 44'º'
Registered on: 2021-10-17 00:00:00
Uptime: This server is offline more than 30 days
Banner do Site
Site Description:: Version: 97d, NEW ITEMS who are in the NPC LorenciaBar and drops by box of kundun and you canT get them from the WebShop. EXP: 333x, Drop: 77%, Reset Level: 350, Reset: keep Items and Skills CLEAR STATS Points Per Reset: 250, MAX Resets: 400, Points Per Level: 7/9, Stadium Move Level: 50, JOIN NOW!

Current Rank: 44'º'
Highest Rank: 8º - (2024-03-31 21:00)
Lowest Rank: ----
Monthly votes: 0
Today votes: 0
Monthly clicks: 41
Today clicks: 13

Vote Statistics




Last Vote
IP Address Date Browser Platform
89.106.109.XXX 2024-03-01 05:39:37 Chrome windows 10
89.106.109.XXX 2024-01-03 05:36:22 Chrome windows 10
89.106.109.XXX 2023-11-01 04:26:50 Chrome Windows 10
