Category: | Lineage 2 | |
Site URL: | | |
Site Name: | Lineage 2 Duality | |
Current Rank: | 169'º' | |
Registered on: | 2021-07-19 02:07:05 | |
Uptime: | This server is offline more than 30 days | |
Site Banner: | ||
Site Description:: | 1500+ ONLINE, GF 100x rates, Balanced Classes and PvP, Unique systems. Come play a stable and solid server. Join us today! |
Current Rank: | 169'º' |
Highest Rank: | ---- |
Lowest Rank: | ---- |
Monthly votes: | 0 |
Today votes: | 0 |
Monthly clicks: | 119 |
Today clicks: | 0 |
IP Address | Date | Browser | Platform |